EPFL Watchmakers
Unlock time's finest secrets
Ongoing Interdisciplinary #Mechanics #Electronics #Materials #3D PrintingThe EPFL Watchmakers project was founded in 2023 by student engineers keen to unite students around a common passion: watchmaking. Founded in Switzerland, the epicenter of the world's watchmaking industry, the project aims to conceive, design and assemble a clock featuring innovative mechanisms and playing with interesting physical principles not currently present in the watchmaking world. One of our other future objectives future would be to make watches, from mechanism to case, bracelet and clasp, using new materials and mechanisms. Achieving such a goal requires time, a great deal of technical skill and knowledge, as well as the intermediate steps necessary for our activities to run smoothly. Firstly, building a modular clock to familiarize ourselves with clock mechanisms on a larger scale. Also, to test the physical principles that would be applicable and usable in our clock, and to find out in which part of it these phenomena would apply: energy supply, transmission or time display. Then, for our future objectives, we'll be doing some design work and machining tests on bracelets and cases in innovative materials. Finally, our long-term objective is to miniaturize the first mechanisms designed for the clock on a watch scale, in order to produce our first prototype watch.
Academic Supervisors